User Testing

Before testing actual users, a script was written to be read aloud before each person did their testing session. The purpose of it was to make sure everyone was given the same exact information, worded exactly the same way.

Script for Slidr - First, I want to emphasize that I am not testing you, I am testing my app and making sure it works the way I intended it to. That being said, my app is called Slidr, and it is an app that allows businesses quicker and easier access to make and edit any slideshow presentations they may want to display in their place of business. You are going to be given three tasks to complete that will be given to you one at a time. I will not be able to help you complete these tasks, because I want to see how you navigate through it without any assistance. If you could think out loud while you proceed, that would be very much appreciated. Also, please know that you can end the test at any time. Do you have any questions before we begin?

Before each user had their testing session, they were all given consent forms to sign.

After the consent forms were given, the script was read out to them and then each user was given the three tasks to perform.